javac rejects valid java 7 code

Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar vicente.romero at
Tue May 6 17:15:34 UTC 2014

Hi Anna,

This bug has been fixed in both 9 and 8 dev repos.


On 21/11/13 17:43, Dan Smith wrote:
> On Nov 18, 2013, at 8:31 AM, Anna Kozlova <Anna.Kozlova at> wrote:
>> This code compiles with java 1.7 (also 1.6) but fails to compile with 1.8
>> (b. 115)
>> abstract class A2<T>{
>>     abstract <S> S foo(S x, S y);
>>     abstract <S1> void baz(A2<S1> a)
>>     void bar(A2<Integer> y, A2<Long> x){
>>          baz(foo(x, y));
>>     }
>> }
> Thanks for this example.  It illustrates a design flaw: inference in 8 supports capture on a nested method's return type (see Lambda Spec, Part G, 18.5.2), but only when the return type is a parameterized type.  As this example illustrates, it may also be necessary to perform capture when the return type is an inference variable (which can be instantiated to a parameterized type).
> I've created a bug:
> —Dan

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