Lambda expression and method overloading

Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar vicente.romero at
Tue May 6 20:14:50 UTC 2014

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for your mail. This bug has already been reported in the JDK Bug 
System: The bug has 
been fixed so the code it's correctly accepted by the compiler now.


On 04/05/14 08:42, Lukas Eder wrote:
> Dear EG,
> This is a cross-post of my Stack Overflow question here:
> The question has reached above-average popularity on SO, so I thought I
> would reach out to you for an authoritative reply. At the current stage of
> Java 8 adoption, I'm afraid that there might still be a bit of speculation
> from the community about such compiler issues.
> Answers on lambda-dev and/or on SO would be greatly appreciated.
> --------
> Let's assume I have this API:
>      static void run(Consumer<Integer> consumer) {
>          System.out.println("consumer");
>      }
>      static void run(Function<Integer, Integer> function) {
>          System.out.println("function");
>      }
> Using Java 8 lambda expressions, I can call the above like so:
>      // Consumer
>      run((Integer i) -> {});
>      // Function
>      run((Integer i) -> 1);
> But this will not compile:
>      // Consumer
>      run(i -> {});
>      // Function
>      run(i -> 1);
> I get this error message:
> error: reference to run is ambiguous
>              run(i -> {});
>              ^
>        both method run(Consumer<Integer>) in Test and
>             method run(Function<Integer,Integer>) in Test match
> I *suspect* that this is due to JLS §15.12.2:
>> Certain argument expressions that contain implicitly typed
>> lambda expressions (§15.27.1) or inexact method references
>> (§15.13.1) are ignored by the applicability tests, because
>> their meaning cannot be determined until a target type is selected.
> Is that assumption true? And why were things decided this way? I'm
> particularly interested in the applicability of "void-compatible" vs.
> "value-compatible" expressions *might* be a more special case, as the
> target type can "easily" be determined, at least in my example. Of course,
> I'm certainly not seeing the big picture.
> Looking forward to hearing from you,
> Lukas

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