Fwd: I can't build in MacOS

Altan Özlü sevendrofleneux at icloud.com
Wed Apr 17 01:33:30 UTC 2019

Hi it’s me again i’ve tried to use mysql in fibers and changed sync blocks in mariadb jdbc using locks. It works fine only if i create connection in current fiber if it’s started in another fiber or main thread it’s stopping at executeQuery.

Here is codes : https://gist.github.com/Sevenops/a1050b104137d2df1f799b2d0700eb0c

> İleti başlangıcı:
> Kimden: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
> Konu: Ynt: Fwd: I can't build in MacOS
> Tarih: 16 Nisan 2019 18:38:18 GMT+3
> Kime: Altan Özlü <sevendrofleneux at icloud.com>, loom-dev at openjdk.java.net
> On 15/04/2019 22:20, Altan Özlü wrote:
>> I get this error with building default branch too now i use java-next’s loom binaries and they work fine.
>> I’m using Mojave btw and i have a question does normal sockets blocking scheduler ?
> I think you are asking if blocking socket operations pin the carrier thread. At this time, the following (potentially blocking) operations are "fiber friendly" and will free up the carrier thread for other tasks when the operation doesn't complete immediately:
> Socket: read, write, close
> ServerSocket: accept, close
> SocketChannel: read, write
> ServerSocketChanne: accept
> DatagramChannel: read, receive, write, send
> Pipe.SourceChannel: read
> Pipe.SinkChannel: write
> Absent from the list is DatagramSocket.receive that we'll get to at some point. The close method of the network channels also needs a bit of work (trivial, just not done yet).
> If you are using a library that does the socket I/O then you might run into issues with synchronization in the library. Running with -Djdk.tracePinning=full is a useful to track down many of the issues.
> -Alan

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