Fwd: I can't build in MacOS

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Apr 17 07:24:44 UTC 2019

On 17/04/2019 02:33, Altan Özlü wrote:
> Hi it’s me again i’ve tried to use mysql in fibers and changed sync blocks in mariadb jdbc using locks. It works fine only if i create connection in current fiber if it’s started in another fiber or main thread it’s stopping at executeQuery.
> Here is codes : https://gist.github.com/Sevenops/a1050b104137d2df1f799b2d0700eb0c
I think you'll need to diagnose this a bit further. Without fibers, can 
you create the JDBC connection and hand it to another thread to use? 
When you say it is "stopping at executeQuery" then I assume you can get 
more information on that as your are building the modified JDBC driver 
yourself. I do note that your connection string disables SSL so that at 
least eliminates some of the complexity from the picture (although you 
shouldn't have any issue with SSL connections now as that has been 
updated to use explicit locks too).


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