Where to help? [Was inspired by - Re: LLVM Talks Related to Coroutines ]

Ron Pressler ron.pressler at oracle.com
Thu Feb 21 12:56:34 UTC 2019

Hi Chris!

Porting Loom to other platforms/configurations/interpreters etc. would be of much help,
but it is still premature. We are still figuring out how to best implement a prototype
on x86-64.

What we need most right now is feedback on the current fibers API, and its
structured-cuncurrency aspect in particular. Does it help write concurrent
applications? Where does it fall short? How can it be improved?

Happy you're eager to help!


On February 20, 2019 at 9:19:36 PM, Chris Phillips (chrisphi at lgonqn.org) wrote:

I've been looking at and playing with Loom for a while now 
and am/was planning on beginning to resurrect Zero in Loom. I'm trying 
to understand if this is the appropriate time to do that or if there 
are other more strategic areas where I should help. Is the intention 
to provide the current support on x86_64 only as a prototype 
project or do you anticipate a full integration into jdk 13+(?)? 

Examining the Bug base didn't uncover much to look at other 
than a suggestion by Jeremy Manson to provide access to 
Native thread id's. (Really only obliquely related) 
[ https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8154176 ] 


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