Crash when reading 1000 image files from fibers

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Sep 2 07:03:06 UTC 2019

On 01/09/2019 10:58, David Holmes wrote:
> Might be a good idea for all projects with their own repos and builds 
> to update that message to not direct people to 
> We've had a couple come 
> through for other projects already.
That seems a good idea, I'll check whether it has been done already in 
the Valhalla and Panama repos.

Once this project a bit further along then we'll use JBS of course and 
Affects Versions/s (and fixVersion) "repo-loom"

In the mean-time, it is good to accumulate these tests. In this case, 
it's 2000 HTTP requests, initially 1000 in parallel with a mix of 
networking I/O and some computation (SSL). Lots of noise and randomness 
due to rate limiting on the server side and other transient errors where 
the server aborts the connection. Cay sent me the reproducer and it does 
reproducer for me (about 1 in 10) with a release build but not yet with 
a debug build.


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