Cooperative vs preemtive scheduling of virtual theads

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Jun 8 15:09:56 UTC 2020

On 08/06/2020 14:48, Andrey Lomakin wrote:
> And one more question, is it situation which described by Andrew 
> really holds ? I thought that executors by current design does not 
> recognize such situations (which for example  causes the current 
> problem with synchronized)
> and do not switch execution of virtual theads and that happens during 
> direct calls to the locks and during calls of IO operations ? And is 
> it possible that this behaviour will be kept as the "by design" or can 
> be changed once project will evolve ? I mean is it true that during 
> exectuion of such operation as class loading execution of one virtual 
> thread will be swithced  to the execution of other virtual thread, 
> especially if the backed by the single thread carrier ?
Yes, it's possible in theory but unlikely in the current implementation 
because of the limitation that the thread is pinned while holding a 
monitor (ClassLoaders will almost always be holding a monitor when 
loading classes).


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