Cooperative vs preemtive scheduling of virtual theads

Ron Pressler ron.pressler at
Thu Jun 11 13:27:56 UTC 2020

I guess we *could* exclude class loading from scheduling even then, but
that’s exactly why I don’t think we should promise anything without seeing
a clear and big benefit, as every promise is a liability. I haven’t seen an example
where scheduling during class-loading introduces any more issues than it
already does today, so that’s why I don’t think this promise is under consideration
for the moment. 

— Ron

On 11 June 2020 at 11:34:09, Andrew Haley (aph at wrote:

On 09/06/2020 11:41, Ron Pressler wrote:  

> However, if you can find an example where it, or some other platform  
> mechanism, does introduce new issues if it were made a scheduling  
> point, we will certainly consider promising it won't be.  

One day we surely want the Java runtime, class loading included, to be  
written in Java. Therefore, we should be ready for all blocking events  
in the VM one day to be scheduling points. No? It's not a good thing  
that class loading blocks a carrier thread, more an artifact of the  
current implementation.  

Andrew Haley (he/him)  
Java Platform Lead Engineer  
Red Hat UK Ltd. <;!!GqivPVa7Brio!PYDyv62MTIlMmciLdWd884kZMG4wMPCFh4odoP3crkrOyivcK6K9H_PDjypmDVQn2w$ >;!!GqivPVa7Brio!PYDyv62MTIlMmciLdWd884kZMG4wMPCFh4odoP3crkrOyivcK6K9H_PDjypREldytg$  
EAC8 43EB D3EF DB98 CC77 2FAD A5CD 6035 332F A671  

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