Feedback on loom jdk early build

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Sep 21 10:48:54 UTC 2020

On 20/09/2020 19:03, Visruth wrote:
> Hello there,
> I used early access of project loom jdk. My project has both Java and
> Kotlin codes. It has multi-threading with Kotlin code (also using
> StampedLock, os thread-pool by Executors) when I used this early access of
> loom jdk it has some runtime issue. I'm not sure about the exact issue but
> I presume it is a kind of dead-lock. I reviewed my code well, it works well
> with all released jdk, so it has no bugs.
> My only point is it should not break the existing code even without using
> virtual thread.
There isn't much to go on here but it might be useful to start with the 
JDK 16 EA builds [1] to see if the issue duplicates with the builds from 
the main line before trying the Loom EA builds.



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