JNDI LDAP Threads & Loom

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Aug 1 05:50:18 UTC 2022

On 19/07/2022 12:24, Jason Rivard wrote:
> :
> I suppose a similar question also applies to otherwise similar
> internal threads created for per-socket I/O work - I'm assuming there
> are others.
Yes, there are several others and just to add to Ron's comment is that 
we had to deliberately drop some of these (e.g. the thread used for SSL 
handshake complete notifications) because virtual threads are a preview 
feature. Once the feature is permanent then we should be able to change 
a number of these threads to be virtual threads and reduce resources 
when they are ideal (like in the LDAP case where you may have hundreds 
of connections to a LDAP server, each with a worker thread).


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