[External] : Re: jstack, profilers and other tools

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Aug 1 05:59:43 UTC 2022

On 24/07/2022 14:05, Alex Otenko wrote:
> :
> Also, I am not clear why you dismissed the allocation problem by just 
> saying IO buffering is the same. The allocation problem is that user 
> code allocates before read(byte[]) is called. This is the same in both 
> sync and async code. The difference is that in async code the lifespan 
> of the allocation is shorter - we read only read-ready channels, and 
> those that aren't ready return quickly. In sync code the buffer 
> remains allocated for a long time - even seconds, if that's what the 
> connection reuse pattern is on the client side.
I think I've replied to you a few times on topic,  but just to say again 
that we haven't dismissed adding overloads of read that would take a 
supplier or provide other means to lazily get the buffer when there are 
bytes available. This project's position on this has always been that we 
would see how far we would get first. The reason for caution is that 
there are many issues with such APIs (as it's essentially callback at a 
very low level) and in addition it would support through many layers and 
libraries to get any real benefit.


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