Motivation to put Continuation, ContinuationScope, and Scope in jdk.internal.vm package

Robbe Pincket robbepincket at
Sun Jul 31 20:19:55 UTC 2022

The wiki still lists the old information:

> ## Continuations
> ### Design
> The primitive continuation construct is that of a scoped (AKA multiple-named-prompt),
> stackful, one-shot (non-reentrant) delimited continuation. The continuation can be cloned,
> and thus used to implement reentrant delimited continuations. The construct is exposed via
> the java.lang.Continuation class. Continuations are intended as a low-level API, that
> application authors are not intended to use directly. They will use higher-level
> constructs built on top of continuations, such as virtual threads or generators.

Someone should probably fix that before Java 19 releases?

Robbe Pincket
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