bug: breakpoints in in an anonymous class method executed on a virtual thread callstack are skipped

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Jul 9 14:26:21 UTC 2023

On 29/06/2023 22:23, Ben Berman wrote:
> Investigating an issue in both IntelliJ and Eclipse debuggers led to 
> this bug: I can't break inside an anonymous class method of the form
> ```
> new Object() {
>   void test() {
>     System.out.println("breakpoint here does not work");
>   }
> }.test();
> ```
> due to a buggy interaction between JDWP and virtual threads. The 
> console statement in the example above does indeed print, i.e. it is 
> executed.
> What would the next steps be to help with investigating and resolving 
> this issue?
Off-hand I can't think of any issues in this area but it would be useful 
to know if this duplicates if a platform thread executes this code. Also 
it would be useful if you could say more about the "async 
instrumentation agent" that appears to be in the picture. Are there any 
known issues with this agent where it retransform classes without 
adjusting the LineNumberTable or other class file attributes that might 
be used?


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