bug: breakpoints in in an anonymous class method executed on a virtual thread callstack are skipped

Chris Plummer chris.plummer at oracle.com
Mon Jul 10 22:27:33 UTC 2023

Hi Ben,

The first time I read this I didn't notice the link you provided to the 
jetbrains issue you filed. I see about halfway down the page you show 
the following exception:

JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_INVALID_THREAD(203): missing entry in 
running thread table 

As is pointed out later in this issue page, this looks like JDK-8305209 
<https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8305209>, which was fixed a few 
months ago. You were ask to try a recent version of JDK 21, and you 
replied back that it still reproduced, but the error you show later 
indicates that it is still happening at line 1109. It should be line 
1116 if you are using a fixed version. Just wanted to double check that 
line 1116 is the line number you are seeing the error at when you use 
JDK 21.

Also, when this error happens, it should cause the debuggee to exit with 
a core file and hs_err file. Are either of these present? The hs_err 
file would be very useful since it will contain a stack trace at the 
point of the error.



On 6/29/23 2:23 PM, Ben Berman wrote:
> Investigating an issue in both IntelliJ and Eclipse debuggers led to 
> this bug: I can't break inside an anonymous class method of the form
> ```
> new Object() {
>   void test() {
>     System.out.println("breakpoint here does not work");
>   }
> }.test();
> ```
> due to a buggy interaction between JDWP and virtual threads. The 
> console statement in the example above does indeed print, i.e. it is 
> executed.
> What would the next steps be to help with investigating and resolving 
> this issue?
> https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-324002/IntelliJ-debugger-doesnt-break-nor-does-Eclipse-in-a-virtual-threads-project-inside-anonymous-class-methods-reproduction?clearDraft=true&description=%0A%0AIU-231.9161.38,%20JRE%2017.0.7%2B10-b829.16x64%20JetBrains%20s.r.o 
> <https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-324002/IntelliJ-debugger-doesnt-break-nor-does-Eclipse-in-a-virtual-threads-project-inside-anonymous-class-methods-reproduction?clearDraft=true&description=%0A%0AIU-231.9161.38,%20JRE%2017.0.7%2B10-b829.16x64%20JetBrains%20s.r.o>.,%20OS%20Mac%20OS%20X(aarch64)%20v13.4,%20screens%203456.0x2234.0;%20Retina

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