How are Carrier doing these days?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Jun 6 10:15:31 UTC 2023

On 06/06/2023 10:03, Olivier Peyrusse wrote:
> Hello Loom devs,
> A long time ago on this mailing list, we read about Carrier classes, 
> to implement stuff like message passing, Go channels, etc for the 
> virtual threads of Loom.
> Unless I am mistaken, I have read anything  since 2020 about them [1] 
> and [2].
> How is this project going? Is it still a construct you are looking at, 
> but are currently focusing on polishing Virtual Threads for their 
> general availability?
One thing that is helpful to go with your question is to know if you've 
tried LinkedTransferQueue or any of the other blocking queues with 
virtual threads. Only asking because hearing feedback on using the 
existing APIs and hearing about any issues/limitations is always helpful.

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