Question about using virtual thread

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Jun 15 13:16:09 UTC 2023

On 12/06/2023 17:28, Attila Kelemen wrote:
> Most usually DB pool implementations can be limited in which case they 
> will just wait until one gets put back to the pool.

It's possible this topic will come up many times. I wonder if anyone 
with experience in this area would have time to do an inventory of the 
JDBC drivers and the DB connection pools to see how they behave with 
virtual threads.  Oracle's JDBC driver, PostgreSQL JDBC driver, and a 
few others have JDBC drivers that work well with virtual threads but I 
have seen much on DB connection libraries. Do they provide API that wait 
for a connection to be available without pinning a virtual thread?

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