Question about using virtual thread

Attila Kelemen attila.kelemen85 at
Thu Jun 15 15:22:35 UTC 2023

> It's possible this topic will come up many times. I wonder if anyone with
> experience in this area would have time to do an inventory of the JDBC
> drivers and the DB connection pools to see how they behave with virtual
> threads.  Oracle's JDBC driver, PostgreSQL JDBC driver, and a few others
> have JDBC drivers that work well with virtual threads but I have seen much
> on DB connection libraries. Do they provide API that wait for a connection
> to be available without pinning a virtual thread?
To be honest, I haven't actually tested with virtual threads, but dbcp2
relies on Apache Commons Pool2 which uses `GenericObjectPool` [1] for
pooling which uses `LinkedBlockingDeque` itself (no synchronized blocks or
native shenanigans), so I would expect it work well with Loom. Anyway, I
can write some tests on how well behaved these pools (with various
configurations) with Loom on the weekend.

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