Request for review: 7144063: [macosx] Swing JMenu mnemonic doesn't work; hint misleading; cross symbol typed

Mike Swingler swingler at
Thu Feb 16 08:15:26 PST 2012

On Feb 16, 2012, at 3:53 AM, Alexander Zuev wrote:

> Mike,
> On 2/15/12 22:38, Mike Swingler wrote:
>> On Feb 15, 2012, at 5:27 AM, Alexander Zuev wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> On 2/14/12 21:08, Scott Kovatch wrote:
>>>> Okay, that's good to know. :-)
>>>> Looking at the code again, I think this was for the case when you started a composition like option-e then 'e', but cancelled it by hitting backspace after typing the accent.
>>>  Tried that too - after my fix it works exactly like the native application does (like hitting backspace after Opt-e removes only accent symbol and letting us continue composition as if we were not typed it). The only difference is that native applications highlight the diacritical symbols if they will be a part of the composed glyph and Java doesn't. Functionally i have not found any difference.
>>> With best regards,
>>> Alexa
>> The fix looks fine to me, as long as all the complex text input methods still work as expected. Have you tried double-clicking on Chinese characters from the character palette (accessible from the input method menu after enabling it from the "Language&  Text" pref pane)?
> Yep - tried it too. Actually i tried even most difficult to correctly implement input methods with dynamically changing representation like Hangul or Tibetan. All i tried works exactly as it does in native TextEdit application, even trackpad handwriting works as expected.

Very awesome dude. :-)

One more to try: "press-and-hold" in Lion: if you hold down the "e" key, and then use the mouse, arrow keys, or number keys to select the variant.

Mike Swingler
Apple Inc.

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