Request for review: 7144063: [macosx] Swing JMenu mnemonic doesn't work; hint misleading; cross symbol typed

Alexander Zuev alexander.zuev at
Fri Feb 17 05:54:21 PST 2012

On 2/16/12 19:15, Mike Swingler wrote:
> One more to try: "press-and-hold" in Lion: if you hold down the "e" key, and then use the mouse, arrow keys, or number keys to select the variant.
Looks like i need a step-by-step instruction here - i were unable to do 
it in TextEdit app on 10.7.3 machine with any language that has variants 
of 'e' letter. Once i hold down the e it starts autorepeating. Moving 
mouse or using arrow keys do not help much. Any option i have to turn on 
for that?

With best regards,

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