java.library.path fix for MacOS X (7145798)

Greg Brown greg.x.brown at
Mon Feb 20 09:20:34 PST 2012

> I think the JavaVM really lives inside of the *.jre or *.jdk bundle inside Contents/PlugIns, and the contents of the directory in question is really Java parts of the "app" and does not contain aVM. The contents of the Info.plist dictionary key is the description of the application to the launcher code, and indirectly to the JavaVM.
> I believe that overloading the same name for both the directory and the Info.plist key is a mistake.

I buy the argument that the JavaVM directory does not contain a Java VM and therefore should not be called "JavaVM". However, I'm not sure why using the same name for the directory and the key might be a mistake. Isn't that how it was done in previous versions, using "Java" instead of "JavaVM"?

I think you said that the directory name is not relevant to the Launch Services code - if so, maybe it would be best to use "JavaVM" as the plist key and "Java" as the directory name?

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