Longjumps considered inexpensive...until they aren't

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Wed Jun 4 18:15:57 PDT 2008

John Rose a écrit :
> I started a wiki page to collect such information, and added a few  
> more points there:
>    http://wikis.sun.com/display/HotSpotInternals/Inlining
> Please consider contributing as you learn what works and doesn't.
I've sketched a prototype that enable to force inlining at Java Level 
using a
new method of sun.misc.Unsafe.
I think it's a better solution than using an annotation (or an attribute)
because it's more flexible.
It seems to works on a small test.

Because i was in the train on my laptop, i have used the repository 
the only available on my hard drive. I will re-target the patch on Da 
Vinci VM
this week-end.

Attachment contains the hotspot patch, the patched sun.misc.Unsafe and a 
small test that inline
java.nio.Buffer.position(int), one method used by System.out.println
that is not inlined by default because its size is too large.
> -- John

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