Value Types for Java

Miles Sabin miles at
Wed Jun 18 00:51:08 PDT 2008

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 6:15 AM, Ben Hutchison <benh at> wrote:
> Also, in terms of what it doesn't do:
> 1. Hard to see any way to extend to interpret a ByteBuffer region as an
> array of some value type, a feature ultimately needed for bulk interop
> with external IO/processes, I feel.

What do you mean here? That a ByteBuffer be viewable as an array of
(value) objects? Again, I'm really not sure what it is that you want
to do that you can't already.

> 2. Separate arrays per field is less cache friendly than true value types

That might be the case, but it's very dependent on the actual access
patterns in a given application.



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