Value Types for Java
Ben Hutchison
benh at
Wed Jun 18 01:28:25 PDT 2008
Miles Sabin wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 6:15 AM, Ben Hutchison <benh at> wrote:
>> Also, in terms of what it doesn't do:
>> 1. Hard to see any way to extend to interpret a ByteBuffer region as an
>> array of some value type, a feature ultimately needed for bulk interop
>> with external IO/processes, I feel.
> What do you mean here? That a ByteBuffer be viewable as an array of
> (value) objects?
Yes. Viewable and updatable.
The example case I have in mind is an interaction between a Java
process and a 3D graphics driver. Eg a Java process would be
writing/updating triangle data in the buffer, and the graphics driver
rendering it. (I admit it might be difficult to get this to work even
with value type support, given that Java's philosophy says precise
memory level representation is undefined by spec)
> Again, I'm really not sure what it is that you want
> to do that you can't already.
Your earlier idea seemed to be that heterogeneous value types would
translate into multiple side-by-side arrays accessed in unison. Most
external processes you might want to interact with aren't going to
"think" that way. They would typically expect to find fields of a
related struct next to each other.
(Granted you did mention a single array encoding for homogenous types,
but I am concerned thats too fragile in practice - the moment it becomes
heterogenous, the encoding scheme totally changes.)
So, you could have one encoding of a given value type to/from
ByteBuffer, and another otherwise, but that seems messy.
You surely agree that your proposal represents a (worthy) workaround to
work in current JVM architectures, and not the ideal solution?
*Ben Hutchison
Senior Developer
* Level 2 476 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
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