thanks, and MOP stuff

Attila Szegedi szegedia at
Wed Apr 22 01:28:15 PDT 2009

On 2009.04.22., at 9:29, John Rose wrote:

> Thanks, Attila, for jumping in with the MVLM build stuff.

Well, I needed it, and once built, it's a no-brainer to put it out  
there, so...

> The bulk of the meth and indy bits are moving slowly but surely into  
> the regular JDK7 builds, so I expect the delta between JDK7 and MLVM  
> will decrease rapidly.  Note that most of meth.patch is now  
> integrated in so it  
> will show up in a weekly build shortly.  Also, indy has been cleared  
> for take-off.
> But, with bug fixes and late alterations, that delta between JDK7  
> and MLVM will remain non-zero for much of this year, so what you are  
> doing will remain very (very!) helpful.

Sure - I'll repeat the build from time to time, probably on weekends.


> Best wishes,
> -- John

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