Still crashity crashing

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Wed Aug 5 15:58:04 PDT 2009

I think Christian is asleep right now, so I'll steal his thunder and  
give a mini-update:   He's almost certainly found the key crasher.  It  
was a bit of known-kludgey code (mine) we put into the stack walker.   
It's the logic the recognizes return-points after MH.invoke calls.   
Now we have to fix it the right way; he got it partially working; stay  
tuned for a full fix.

As Han Solo said walking out of the Mos Eisley cantina, "Sorry about  
the mess."

-- John

On Aug 4, 2009, at 5:16 AM, Christian Thalinger wrote:

> Christian Thalinger wrote:
>> Christian Thalinger wrote:
>>> Christian Thalinger wrote:
>>>> Still building the newly checked out version...
>>> Finally I can reproduce the crashes.  Either it's related to debug  
>>> vs.
>>> product build or the additional patches applied.  Still  
>>> investigating...
>> Oh no!  It's so obvious :-/  indy.compiler.patch is not enabled for
>> default builds and so the VM crashes when the compiler kicks in.
>> I just pushed a changeset[1] that enables the patch.  Please update  
>> your
>> mlvm repository and build again.
> With a debug build I get this assert:

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