Still crashity crashing

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Wed Aug 5 17:08:15 PDT 2009

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 5:58 PM, John Rose<John.Rose at> wrote:
> I think Christian is asleep right now, so I'll steal his thunder and
> give a mini-update:   He's almost certainly found the key crasher.  It
> was a bit of known-kludgey code (mine) we put into the stack walker.
> It's the logic the recognizes return-points after MH.invoke calls.
> Now we have to fix it the right way; he got it partially working; stay
> tuned for a full fix.
> As Han Solo said walking out of the Mos Eisley cantina, "Sorry about
> the mess."

Hey, that's great news, as is the ever-improving inlining! We've
actually got people on the JRuby user list interested in using indy
for experimental purposes with JRuby as it starts to stabilize, and
possibly running applications on it if the benefits are great enough.
I'm also keen to see how well escape analysis couples with indy...if
it helps a lot, there's many places we can restructure JRuby's code to
make escape analysis more effective.

As always, I'm standing by to try things out and report results.

- Charlie

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