blog post on invokedynamic

Rémi Forax forax at
Tue Feb 17 05:15:25 PST 2009

Tobias Ivarsson a écrit :
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Rémi Forax <forax at 
> <mailto:forax at>> wrote:
>     Create a MOP is you have MethodHandles is more easier than without :)
>     But how to handle the case where you want to call a ruby method with
>     a PHP object.
> This is what Interface Injection aims to solve.
After my FOSDEM presentation,

Someone (sorry I am not able to recall who) ask me how to recognize if 
an object is a
PHP one or a Ruby one, I have answered that interface injection should 
solve that.
I'm glad that my answer was not a complete mistake.

> When the JRuby runtime recevies an object from PHP it casts it to 
> IRubyObject (the main JRuby type) which is an injectable interface. If 
> the class of the object does not already implement IRubyObject the 
> injector for the interface is invoked. The injector is a regular java 
> object that has a method for providing MethodHandles that make up the 
> implementation methods for the interface. As in the case with the 
> bootstrap method in invokedynamic this method can do whatever the 
> language implementor chooses to get or define these MethodHandles. My 
> recommendation in this case is for the injector to get the meta object 
> from the PHP object and use that to lookup the MethodHandles for each 
> capability that JRuby uses, and use default implementations where the 
> meta object does not support the capability.
And the idea of the MOP is that the meta object should have the same 
interface for all dynamic languages.
> I intend to contribute work on this to the dynalang project when the 
> work on interface injection is done, and the rest of my work queue is 
> empty enough. Hopefully in April, after PyCon.
> Cheers,
> Tobias


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