blog post on invokedynamic
Charles Oliver Nutter
charles.nutter at
Tue Feb 17 07:46:46 PST 2009
� wrote:
> And the idea of the MOP is that the meta object should have the same
> interface for all dynamic languages.
That is the intent of Attila's project. It provides a set of common
interfaces/classes for method invocation and property lookup (both with
either indexed or named parameters), type coercions (like GString to
String and back), and composability (to allow a runtime to e.g. failover
to Java dispatch if it optz out of handling a call itself).
The primary things missing from dynalang that I was were:
* First-class representation of a closure or passed function. This would
help make closures a bit more translatable across languages
* Ability to query for a "callable" that could then be cached for future
calls. This would fit better into inline caches, method handles, indy,
and so on. Along with this would probably need to come a way for
"callables" to be invalidated if things change.
- Charlie
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