happy new year!

Tobias Ivarsson thobes at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 02:59:41 PST 2009

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Patrick Wright <pdoubleya at gmail.com>wrote:

> John
> Thanks for the update.
> > 5. encourage the great work that people are doing or will do on tail
> > call, continuations, interface injection, invokedynamic, etc.
> > (Cheers, Arnold, Lukas, Tobias, Remi.)
> It would be great to get an update on how these sub-projects are
> going, what they are (currently, realistically) aiming to achieve,
> etc. Perhaps the people involved can give us a brief status update?

Of course, that's an excellent suggestion. I (Tobias Ivarsson) spend my time
working on interface injection (inti.patch). The aims of which are to enable
the JVM to inject an interface, with implementing methods, into an already
loaded class that was not compiled as implementing that interface. The
original hope (that at least I had) for this was that you would be able to
inject any interface into any class. But I am starting to think that this
will impose too much complication in dealing with rejected interfaces, for
example if the JVM has checked if a class implements an interface before it
becomes injectable. My current idea is therefore that for an interface to be
injectable it has to be marked as such when loaded. I think this will have
minimal impact on usefulness of interface injection, but comments on this
issue are appreciated.

My plan, that I announced here on the list early December, was to work on
interface injection during the holidays. As things always are with the
holidays, I didn't get as much time for work as I had hoped. Most of the
work happened last week instead. And most of my time has been spent reading
code and drawing things on my whiteboard. I now feel that I have managed to
map out the design of most things on the C++ level. Many aspects will be
implemented in Java, but those are easier to change in a later iteration.

My next milestone is that I hope to run into problems by the end of this
week, or early next week, with not having easy access to a SPARC machine or
any machine where I can install Solaris for testing the implementation in
that build environment. At this point I plan to share inti.patch with you
guys and get some feedback.

Tobias Ivarsson
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