happy new year!

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Tue Jan 20 03:13:19 PST 2009

On Jan 20, 2009, at 2:59 AM, Tobias Ivarsson wrote:

> I now feel that I have managed to map out the design of most things  
> on the C++ level. Many aspects will be implemented in Java, but  
> those are easier to change in a later iteration.


As part of the method handle work, I've refactored the interface  
dispatch code into MacroAssembler::lookup_interface_method.
(It used to be in two places; now it will be in a single place and  
ready to be extended.)  Please check out this webrev:

This change is under review now, and will be pushed (I expect) into  
the JDK7 baseline in a few weeks.

> My next milestone is that I hope to run into problems by the end of  
> this week, or early next week, with not having easy access to a  
> SPARC machine or any machine where I can install Solaris for  
> testing the implementation in that build environment. At this point  
> I plan to share inti.patch with you guys and get some feedback.

I run all my development builds on x86 Solaris, using VMWare on  
MacBook.  (VirtualBox doesn't support 64-bit yet, but I'm watching  
for it.)  It's all publicly available...  See http://wikis.sun.com/ 
display/SunOnMac/Home for some older hints.  SPARC is where a lot of  
the big applications will be running, but for development x86 is great.

Best wishes,
-- John

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