happy new year!

Dalibor Topic Dalibor.Topic at Sun.COM
Tue Jan 20 03:30:11 PST 2009

On 20.01.09 12:13, John Rose wrote:
> I run all my development builds on x86 Solaris, using VMWare on  
> MacBook.  (VirtualBox doesn't support 64-bit yet, but I'm watching  
> for it.)
Experimental support for 64 bit guests on 32 bit systems has been added in
Virtualbox 2.1.0. I haven't tried that myself on a Mac yet, though.

dalibor topic

Dalibor Topic                   Tel: (+49 40) 23 646 738
Java F/OSS Ambassador           AIM: robiladonaim
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D-20097 Hamburg                 mailto:Dalibor.Topic at sun.com
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