NetBeans support for proposed small language extensions

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Thu Jan 22 14:44:39 PST 2009

Indeed. Invokedynamic is abusable in propotion to its power, and  
someone could encode a whole foreign (or Java!) program in the method  
name of a single ID call. The MOP will need to develop standards for  
the syntax and design of those names; that's why I reserved the colon  
':' char in the mangling proposal.

One could write this, I suppose, to denote a statically defined online  
script, which the MOP would cause to be compiled at first execution  
(i.e. call site link time).

Dynamic.#"javascript: print 'hello world'"();

There is an URL-like quality to such names. More conservatively, I  
think we'll see names like #"get:length", #"set:parent",  
#"super:init", #"op:%", and other cases where the invocation is not a  
context insensitive named method call, but where there is an  
additional intention/aspect in the surrounding syntax.

-- John  (on my iPhone)

On Jan 22, 2009, at 9:46 AM, Attila Szegedi <szegedia at> wrote:

> On 2009.01.22., at 10:14, Rémi Forax wrote:
>> With your RFE,  @#"{}"({@#"@"()}) will be a valid annotation and  
>> not a
>> swearword :)
> Well, it's probably a valid Perl program too, so why not allow it...
> Attila.
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