Starting work on an Interface Injection prototype

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Sat Jan 24 15:43:41 PST 2009

On Dec 11, 2008, at 2:55 AM, Tobias Ivarsson wrote:

> John: last time you and I spoke about this you said that you were  
> going to start working on some core implementation details. Have  
> you had time to look into that?
> If not - that's ok, I'll go ahead anyway, I just don't want to be  
> duplicating too much of the effort.

I sent you my current sketches the other day; I hope they help.  Feel  
free to ask me what I'm intending in them, or else what design  
alternative you favor.

Let's use the follow public page as a notebook on the project:

This page also has information about how interfaces work:

> If you have looked into it, I would love if you could share the  
> material you have, in terms of source code or analytical documents.  
> But don't feel the need to work on this now if you haven't before  
> just because I'm starting this project - I'll be able to manage  
> just fine on my own (Although I might drop you an e-mail or two  
> with questions).

Basic idea is that each klass structure already includes (allocated  
inline) a 2-dimensional ragged table of its statically defined  
interfaces.  In meth.patch I've rationalized this a little to prepare  
for your work.  I put more extensive notes on the wiki page mentioned  

Best wishes,
-- John
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