Building callcc patch. Need jdk-7-ea-plug-b30
Tobias Ivarsson
thobes at
Fri Jun 26 01:08:48 PDT 2009
Hi, Emmanuel.
I download the binary plugs from:
Sounds like an interesting project you have. Have you joined the
jvm-languages group? ( ), it
would be nice to get some of your progress updates there!
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Emmanuel Castro <
emmanuel.castro at> wrote:
> Hello I am new here.
> I am looking for the java libraries to put ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH. I need
> the version b30 for Linux 32bit
> My first intention is to build an OpenJdk with the callcc patch. After a
> treasure hunt to learn hg, basic OpenJdk compilation, patch application, and
> so on, I try to compile the patch as follow :
> - as last modification of the patch was made just after rebasing to b30, I
> decided to apply the patch to the b30 version of the jdk
> - I could switch back my Gcc to version 4.1
> - Hotspot seems to compile correctly without the patch
> - My actual problem is when doing "make jdk". It requires
> jre/lib/i386/ which is in the binary-plug. I could not find
> version b30 of the binary-plug on the web, and I seems that jdk b30 version
> cannot build normally without it.
> Help!!!
> Motivations: I am playing with a pure functional toy language of my own. I
> am trying to see how helpful out-of-order execution could be when some
> functions interact with the outside (e.g. the user or a database). Other
> works have already shown that continuations help to when asking questions
> (Queinnec works on webserver with Scheme) and that delimited continuations
> allow to gather questions (an idea of my own, and that I've also found in
> works by Oleg Kiselyov). It would allow the questions to be presented to the
> user a the same time (and eventually generalized to avoid asking 1000
> questions).
> I am currently using Javaflow to test the concept in my toy language
> implementation.
> My requirement for delimited continuation native support in a JVM would be:
> - Definition of the continuation context should be free as it happens very
> often for me (I think doCopyStackContext is too expensive in my case).
> Something like a try-catch would be cool.
> - However, copyStack can be reasonably expensive as I plan that compilation
> technique could minimize the points were copyStack is needed.
> Thank you all
> Emmanuel CASTRO
> Montigny le Bretonneux
> emmanuel.castro à
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