Building callcc patch. Need jdk-7-ea-plug-b30

Emmanuel Castro emmanuel.castro at
Fri Jun 26 03:38:59 PDT 2009

2009/6/26 Tobias Ivarsson <thobes at>

> I download the binary plugs from:

Yes, I intended to download it from there, but I could only find previous
releases down to b56.
Does some one has and old copy of bundles for b30 (linux, or solaris, or

> Sounds like an interesting project you have. Have you joined the
> jvm-languages group? ( ), it
> would be nice to get some of your progress updates there!

Not yet. I would like to finalize a first prototype first before releasing
something. However, I will have a look at the group.

In my previous post, I explained my technical motivation. The language has
also "social" motivations. Providing a functional language like Haskell that
would be easy to grasp for standard Java programmers. I am actually working
in France at Euriware, a IT software integration company, and beside being
an interesting way to earn my life, it lets me study how standard
programmers work and write bugs, what they find useful in languages, and
what they find incomprehensible.
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