Latest instructions on getting and patching

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Mon Mar 16 15:44:15 PDT 2009

John Rose wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2009, at 1:42 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> This seems to have built ok, but java.dyn.* classes didn't get  
>> included
>> by default in the resulting build. I forget how to make that happen.
> The java.dyn classes are in $davinci/patches/jdk/meth.patch, and your  
> transcript shows that they are being included.  There's a missing  
> patch to the makefiles and class lists which control the construction  
> of rt.jar.

Yeah, my patches applied incorrectly; after the "force" build broke my 
build I pulled a second one to compare them and forgot to switch. So 
it's just a generalized failure to apply patches correctly at the 
moment; either they don't apply, or they wipe out the BSD build stuff.

- Charlie

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