indy and jython not getting along

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Tue May 19 08:12:48 PDT 2009

Frank Wierzbicki wrote:
> Hi all,
> In my experiments it seems like even the simplest invokedynamic calls
> will crash in the presence of an initialized jython.
> To reproduce:
> co
> ant jar-complete
> put the [jython]/dist/jython.jar in your classpath (I also tried
> bootclasspath) and run this code:
> This crashes for me on Linux with a recent clone of
> Comment out the "new PySystemState()", and things work fine.

Are there perhaps additional patches above and beyond what's in jdk7 
that are needed? You might give it a shot with MLVM additions and 
bsd-port base, maybe.

- Charlie

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