Latest instructions on getting and patching

Nicholas Riley njriley at
Thu May 21 13:01:11 PDT 2009

In article 
<4dab5f760905211120pfcd1e95w8d1381000cd33f4a at>,
 Frank Wierzbicki <fwierzbicki at> 

> BTW these patches did enable me to build on my local Linux, but for
> some reason I'm not able to get the build to include java.dyn.* -- I'm
> trying on the mac now to see if I have better luck there.

OK, turned out I had the right patches, but I needed to do a make clean 
in order for the build to recognize the additional classes to include.

Now I'm getting HotSpot crashes in the example you posted on Monday... 
encouraging, sort of. :-)
Nicholas Riley <njriley at>

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