Latest instructions on getting and patching

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Thu May 21 15:20:40 PDT 2009

Frank Wierzbicki wrote:
> On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Frank Wierzbicki <fwierzbicki at> wrote:
>> This is just a repost of the patches scheme provided in April for
>> getting bsd-port working on Linux.  Maybe we should put them up on the
>> wiki somewhere...
> BTW these patches did enable me to build on my local Linux, but for
> some reason I'm not able to get the build to include java.dyn.* -- I'm
> trying on the mac now to see if I have better luck there.

bsd-port should be rebased to a recent enough OpenJDK to include 
java.dyn.* by least on Mac I didn't have to do anything 
peculiar to get it all to build.

- Charlie

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