Hotswap patch?

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 15 14:31:40 PDT 2009

On Sep 13, 2009, at 12:22 AM, Patrick Wright wrote:

> I just saw that you pushed a changeset from Thomas Wuerthinger related
> to expanding hotswap--from the unit tests included, it looks pretty
> nice--add/remove fields and methods etc. Anything you can tell us
> about it, status etc? I didn't know anyone was working on this in the
> Da Vinci Machine.

The design of the hotswap patch is described in the PDF linked from  
this page:

I believe (under correction from you, Thomas!) that the patch is the  
initial result of a research project that he did earlier this year at  
JKU Linz, that he is now working on other things, and that he doesn't  
have specific plans (yet) to extend it further.  See the message below.

Thomas will be talking about this work at Sun on Wednesday, and InfoQ  
will be taping the talk (like most of the talks at the Summit).

-- John

Begin forwarded message:

From: Thomas Wuerthinger <wuerthinger at>
Date: April 1, 2009 8:49:07 AM PDT
To: c1cr at
Subject: Dynamic Code Evolution - Patch and Documentation


This is the first (pre-alpha) version of the dynamic code evolution  

The attachment contains:
- A patch that can be used upon jdk7-b51 with the sources for dynamic  
code evolution as well as the test cases (37 of 41 should be OK);  
please consider that it is still a prototype implementation.
- A high-level technical description of the implementation with  
pointers to the source code and TODO sections that inform about future  

Any kind of feedback most welcome!
Let me know if you have any issues compiling the code or running the  
test cases.

- thomas
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