Hotswap patch?

Thomas Wuerthinger wuerthinger at
Tue Sep 15 23:44:45 PDT 2009

> The design of the hotswap patch is described in the PDF linked from 
> this page:
> I believe (under correction from you, Thomas!) that the patch is the 
> initial result of a research project that he did earlier this year at 
> JKU Linz, that he is now working on other things, and that he doesn't 
> have specific plans (yet) to extend it further.  See the message below.
> Thomas will be talking about this work at Sun on Wednesday, and InfoQ 
> will be taping the talk (like most of the talks at the Summit).
Yes - during the talk I will also outline future directions that I am 
currently considering and I would be happy about any kind of feedback!

- thomas

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