
Thomas Wuerthinger thomas.wuerthinger at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 03:20:47 PST 2010

The attached crash happend when using the standard HotSpot and not the
DCE VM. The version string says "Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM" and not
"Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM", so it cannot be an issue
related to the DCE VM. Most likely the same applies to the first issue
(try to increase permanent generation size with for example

Please report bugs of the DCE VM at http://ssw.jku.at/dcevm/bugtracking/
as suggested in the crash dumps of the VM.

- thomas

On 12/22/2010 09:41 AM, ÐþÏ£ wrote:
> Hi, the HotSwap.patch is amazing work. We expressed regarding this is excited¡£ We try it on windows for debug our application¡£
> But some errors happen¡£
> We use jre 1.6.0_23.
> 1,when we load eclipse  eclipse often alert permgen OOM¡£
> 2£¬when we load jboss£¬jboss often crash¡£The jvm erro message are in the attachment¡£
> Would you tell me how to solve this¡£
> -----ÓʼþÔ­¼þ-----
> ·¢¼þÈË: mlvm-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net [mailto:mlvm-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] ´ú±í Thomas Wuerthinger
> ·¢ËÍʱ¼ä: 2010Äê12ÔÂ18ÈÕ 19:16
> ÊÕ¼þÈË: Da Vinci Machine Project
> Ö÷Ìâ: Re: Enhanced HotSwapping
> The enhanced hotswapping can be triggered using either the low-level
> JNI/JVMTI interface, class file transformers, or the JDWP debugger
> interface. There is no API change compared to the restricted hotswapping.
> We are currently working on providing a Java API too. In our
> implementation of dynamic mixins for Java
> (http://ssw.jku.at/dcevm/mixins/), we are using such a Java API to
> directly trigger the class redefinition from Java code. Our mixin
> implementation allows to dynamically add an interface and its
> implementation to an existing class.
> - thomas
> On 12/18/10 5:49 AM, Chanwit Kaewkasi wrote:
>> Hello Thomas,
>> It looks cool, and thank you for binaries.
>> Is this working through the debugger interface or JVMTI agents?
>> Regards,
>> Chanwit
>> On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 00:56, Thomas Wuerthinger
>> <thomas.wuerthinger at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> The source code for the HotSpot version that allows enhanced hotswapping
>>> (e.g., add and remove methods, fields, and super types) was just updated
>>> in the mlvm repository. There exists now also a light version of the
>>> modifications "hotswaplight.patch" that minimizes the difference to the
>>> current OpenJDK source code by omitting some of the more advanced
>>> features (e.g., method forwarding, calling deleted old methods,
>>> transformer methods). The enhanced VM passes all tests of Oracle's class
>>> redefinition test suite and comes with unit tests for the new features.
>>> There are binary builds available from "http://ssw.jku.at/dcevm" for
>>> Mac, Linux, and Windows. So, feel free to install a VM with the new
>>> hotswapping capabilities on your machine and test them using your
>>> favorite Java IDE.
>>> - thomas
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