Few questions about invokeDynamic

assembling signals assembling.signals at yandex.ru
Sun Nov 7 01:17:17 PST 2010

Hello again!

For that compiler error which you could reproduce, will you file a bug report,
or is the API that much under change currently, that it's not relevant yet?
Sorry, the proposed workaround produces same error for me.

For the use case "calling a method whose signature is unknown prior to runtime"
(such as some lib, loaded externally) :
- Is invokeVarargs the only method which could "replace" the old slow
  Method.invoke for the given use case?
- As mentioned in first mail, my benchmark showed for invokeVarargs
  nearly same slowness as Method.invoke.
- So, the given use case doesn't profit from new concept at all?
  In that case:   :'(

Best regards,
Ivan G S

06.11.10, 20:28, "Rémi Forax" <forax at univ-mlv.fr>:

>  You've spot a bug:
>  (int) methodHandle.invokeExact(); // error: not a statement
>  should compile.
>  The compiler should consider it as a statement, like it does
>  for invokedynamic.
>  If you use a dummy variable, it works:
>       int foo;
>       System.out.println("\n\nATTEMPT 1");
>       foo = (int)InvokeDynamic.anything();
>       System.out.println("\n\nATTEMPT 2");
>       foo = (int)methodHandle.invokeExact(); // warning: unchecked 
>  generic array creation
>       System.out.println("\n\nATTEMPT 3");
>        foo = (int) methodHandle.invokeExact(); // error: not a statement

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