Few questions about invokeDynamic

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Sun Nov 7 05:58:55 PST 2010

Le 07/11/2010 10:17, assembling signals a écrit :
> Hello again!
> For that compiler error which you could reproduce, will you file a bug report,
> or is the API that much under change currently, that it's not relevant yet?
> Sorry, the proposed workaround produces same error for me.

Works with javac. Do you use it ?

> For the use case "calling a method whose signature is unknown prior to runtime"
> (such as some lib, loaded externally) :
> - Is invokeVarargs the only method which could "replace" the old slow
>    Method.invoke for the given use case?
> - As mentioned in first mail, my benchmark showed for invokeVarargs
>    nearly same slowness as Method.invoke.
> - So, the given use case doesn't profit from new concept at all?
>    In that case:   :'(

Why do you want to call a method with a signature which is unknown
prior runtime ?
You want to write an interpreter ?
In that case, you can generate bytecode at runtime ane becuase you do that
at runtime you know at least the number of parameter.

> Best regards,
> Ivan G S


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