Fwd: [asm] toward ASM 4.0

MacGregor, Duncan (GE Energy) duncan.macgregor at ge.com
Thu Aug 18 02:20:56 PDT 2011

It showed up for me in generating classes within compilation tests,
which were being loaded by a test runner. I doubt it would show up


From: mlvm-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net
[mailto:mlvm-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Mark Roos
Sent: 17 August 2011 21:47
To: Da Vinci Machine Project
Subject: RE: Fwd: [asm] toward ASM 4.0


Thanks Duncan, 

you mentioned 

One problem I have found is that in changing
ClassWriter.getCommonSuperClass() to not 

call initialisation code they've limited it to classes loaded by the
bootstrap ClassLoader. 

How did this show up in your code?  Did you have an explicit call or was
it incidental to just creating classes? 
I think I am ok for now as I switched to using the standard class loader
but who know where we will end up. 



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