DSL for handle binding

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Mon Mar 21 15:48:36 PDT 2011

On 03/21/2011 11:24 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> Yeah, binding backward makes sense for the standard API because the
> only real "anchor" in the process is the eventual target handle. You
> have to eventually end up *somewhere*, so that somewhere is what you
> start with. I'm mostly making this API because of my own frailties...I
> have endless problems picturing MH adaptation going backward,
> especially since so many of the adaptations are explicitly going
> *forward* like permute taking an expected input and permuting onto the
> given handle).
> I did get reorder in, and it's far easier for me to follow when
> explicitly going forward:
>          MethodHandle handle = Binder
>                  .from(String.class, Integer.class, Float.class, String.class)
>                  .drop(0, 2)
>                  .reorder(0, 0)
>                  .invoke(target);
> ...with the end target having a signature of (String, String)String.
> My brain is happy.
> - Charlie

Am I the only one to have the brain wired backward ?
To understand your first example, I had to read your binder from the bottom
to the top.
I hope that's because I'm used to use the mh API.


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