DSL for handle binding

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 16:27:58 PDT 2011

On 22 March 2011 12:13, Charles Oliver Nutter <headius at headius.com> wrote:


>>       MethodHandle handle = Binder
>>               .from(String.class, Integer.class, Float.class, String.class)
>>               .invoke(target, Binder.arg(3), new File("foo"), Binder.arg(3));

A variation on this theme might be to support all 4 combinations below:

MethodHandle handleNumbered = Binder
       .from( String.class, Integer.class, Float.class, String.class )
       .bind( target, "3, %1, 3", new File( "foo" ) );

Binder binderNumbered = Binder
       .from( String.class, Integer.class, Float.class, String.class )
       .reorder( "3, %1, 3", new File( "foo" ) );

MethodHandle handleNamed = Binder
       .return( String.class ).arg( "a", Integer.class ).arg( "b",
Float.class ).arg( "c", String.class )
       .bind( target, "c, %1, c", new File( "foo" ) );

Binder binderNamed = Binder
       .return( String.class ).arg( "a", Integer.class ).arg( "b",
Float.class ).arg( "c", String.class )
       .reorder( "c, %1, c", new File( "foo" ) );

Just a thought,

 -- Howard.

> Ahh, interesting ideas! Yes, the positional nature is probably the
> trickiest (especially when binding backward...I never get it right!)
> because of arguments moving around. I should probably see if there are
> other good language representations for list manipulation that make it
> clearer what's happening (and aren't as subject to elements moving).
> Another option might be a name/value representation of the incoming arguments?
> Binder
>    .from(returns(String.class), arg("a", Integer.class), arg("b",
> Float.class), arg("c", String.class)
>    .reorder("c", "c")
> Internally it would be juggling around pairs of name+type, so it would
> use the same identifier even if arguments shift around. The "a", "b",
> "c" could also be defaults, so that if you used the simple form:
>    .from(String.class, Integer.class, Float.class, String.class)
> You could still use "c" to represent the String argument.
> - Charlie
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  -- Howard.

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