hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: rebase to jdk7-b132 in bsd-port

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Thu Mar 24 20:06:22 PDT 2011

On Mar 24, 2011, at 11:24 AM, Stephen Bannasch wrote:

> Today the build completes fine but I still only get one java/lang/invoke test passing.
> FAILED: java/lang/invoke/6987555/Test6987555.java
> FAILED: java/lang/invoke/6991596/Test6991596.java
> Passed: java/lang/invoke/ClassValueTest.java
> FAILED: java/lang/invoke/InvokeDynamicPrintArgs.java
> FAILED: java/lang/invoke/InvokeGenericTest.java
> FAILED: java/lang/invoke/JavaDocExamplesTest.java
> FAILED: java/lang/invoke/MethodHandlesTest.java
> FAILED: java/lang/invoke/MethodTypeTest.java
> Test results: passed: 1; failed: 7

Except for MethodTypeTest, this is the group of failures you might get if jtreg were using the wrong (out-of-date) javac.  That's odd, because I think jtreg's -jdk: option pulls javac out of the same place as the JVM and JDK runtime.

Would you mind posting or sending me the test output (*.jtr files)?

-- John
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