Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?

Mark Roos mroos at roos.com
Sun May 1 14:01:40 PDT 2011

In the Smalltalk I am porting the solution they use is to just drop the 
entire chain and let it
reform.  The assumption would be that for any short time period in the 
life of a program no sites 
are megamorphic.  the metric they use is the total amount of active code. 
Since they actually
drop all compiled code when it hits 1 meg they have an easy way of 
determining the active
code amount.

What I was thinking of was just dropping the gwt chain when it reached 
some depth.  The
question is what depth.  I think I'll add a counter to the call site just 
to see what happens.

It would be nice to have a way to walk the chain but I don't see an method 
to get the original
mh from a mh adapter.

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