May 2011 Archives by date
Starting: Sun May 1 08:06:06 PDT 2011
Ending: Tue May 31 12:03:47 PDT 2011
Messages: 395
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Rémi Forax
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Rémi Forax
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Rémi Forax
- InvokeDynamic
Rémi Forax
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Mark Roos
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Mark Roos
- InvokeDynamic
Daniel Latrémolière
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Mark Roos
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-conv: cleaner code
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: cleaner code
john.r.rose at
- Initial Smalltalk execution time
Christian Thalinger
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Rémi Forax
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Rémi Forax
- mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail
Stephen Bannasch
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Christian Thalinger
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Mark Roos
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: remove bugs
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-conv: remove bugs
john.r.rose at
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Christian Thalinger
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Rémi Forax
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Rémi Forax
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: coro: add missing makefile
lukas.stadler at
- mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail
Lukas Stadler
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Christian Thalinger
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Rémi Forax
- mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail
Charles Oliver Nutter
- mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail
Rémi Forax
- Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'
Charles Oliver Nutter
- mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail
Stephen Bannasch
- mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail
Lukas Stadler
- mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail
Lukas Stadler
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-conv: use ricochet frames, improve argument spreading
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: process exceptions through ricochets, improve argument spreading
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: process exceptions through ricochets, improve argument spreading
Christian Thalinger
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: reapply lost merge from 76c1e87d8341
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: process exceptions through ricochets, improve argument spreading
John Rose
- mlvm build with coroutines -- but coro tests fail
Stephen Bannasch
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: process exceptions through ricochets, improve argument spreading
Christian Thalinger
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: 2 new changesets
lukas.stadler at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: 2 new changesets
Stephen Bannasch
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: review comment
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-conv: unit test coverage > 80% of adapter types
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: rebase to jdk7-b139 in bsd-port
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: rebase to jdk7-b139 in bsd-port
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/langtools: rebase to jdk7-b139 in bsd-port
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: ready for review
john.r.rose at
- latest changes to hotspot patches
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: x86/64 tweaks; fails some unit tests
john.r.rose at
- Unusually high polymorphic dispatch costs?
Christian Thalinger
- review request (L): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: decouple from non-x86 ports
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: get amd64 working
john.r.rose at
- review request (L): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
Christian Thalinger
- review request (L): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
John Rose
- review request (L): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
Christian Thalinger
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-conv: review version 05
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: review version 05
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: pushed to hotspot-comp
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: final copy of 6939861, plus some newer work
john.r.rose at
- invokedynamic in BiteScript
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: final copy of 6939861, plus some newer work
Stephen Bannasch
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth-conv: final copy of 6939861, plus some newer work
John Rose
- Crash running benchmarks game's binary trees bench
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Crash running benchmarks game's binary trees bench
Christian Thalinger
- Crash running benchmarks game's binary trees bench
Christian Thalinger
- Crash running benchmarks game's binary trees bench
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Crash running benchmarks game's binary trees bench
Christian Thalinger
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: complete matrix of primitive types for explictCastArguments
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: minor bugs found during primitive conversion work
john.r.rose at
- Rhino+invokedynamic
Douglas Campos (qmx)
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: methodHandleWalk works on OP_COLLECT/FOLD
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: draft of test case for 6998541, to exercise methodHandleWalk
john.r.rose at
- Rhino+invokedynamic
Christian Thalinger
- JSR 292 cookbook
Rémi Forax
- Validity of error on asSpreader, or, seeking alternative
Jim Laskey
- Validity of error on asSpreader, or, seeking alternative
Jim Laskey
- Validity of error on asSpreader, or, seeking alternative
Rémi Forax
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-conv: add ValueConversionsTest to test low-level argument processing machinery
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: point fixes on loop comparisons (H/T to B. Delsart)
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: Test6998541 updated
christian.thalinger at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: enable ricochet frames on amd64 (passes unit tests)
john.r.rose at
- heads up: JSR 292 name change
John Rose
- Debugging failures within method handle chain?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Debugging failures within method handle chain?
John Rose
- review request (M): 7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
John Rose
- review request (XL): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: consolidate 7034977 and 6939861 for review; reorder them to the front
john.r.rose at
- review request (M): 7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (M): 7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
John Rose
- review request (M): 7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
John Rose
- JSR 292 cookbook
Mark Roos
- heads up: JSR 292 name change
Rémi Forax
- JSR 292 cookbook
Rémi Forax
- review request (M): 7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
Christian Thalinger
- review request (M): 7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
John Rose
- JSR 292 cookbook
Mark Roos
- review request (XL): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (XL): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
John Rose
- Unrecognized VM option '-UseRicochetFrames'
Stephen Bannasch
- Regression in MH building for catchException?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Poor performance on redblack tree benchmark (JRuby)
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Unrecognized VM option '-UseRicochetFrames'
Christian Thalinger
- Unrecognized VM option '-UseRicochetFrames'
Stephen Bannasch
- review request (XL): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
Christian Thalinger
- Unrecognized VM option '-UseRicochetFrames'
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: bring in some pending changes from hotspot-comp
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: bring in some pending changes from hotspot-comp
Stephen Bannasch
- review request (M): 7034977: JSR 292 MethodHandle.invokeGeneric should be renamed MethodHandle.invoke
John Rose
- review request (XL): 6939861: JVM should handle more conversion operations
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: 2 new changesets
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: update to reflect pushes to jdk7
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: put newer changes back in series
john.r.rose at
- JRuby java.lang.invoke updates moved to master
John Rose
- JRuby java.lang.invoke updates moved to master
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Regression in MH building for catchException?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- BUG! Re: Regression in MH building for catchException?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- CRASH! Internal Error in methodHandleWalk.cpp
Charles Oliver Nutter
- invokeinterface handle-walking unimplemented?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- BUG! Re: Regression in MH building for catchException?
John Rose
- BUG! Re: Regression in MH building for catchException?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- updates to build scripts
Stephen Bannasch
- 6804523: Tuple Signatures
Michael Barker
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust API, small bug fixes
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust API, small bug fixes
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Behavior of MethodHandles.convertArguments
Raffaello Giulietti
- 6804523: Tuple Signatures
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust API, small bug fixes
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Expected performance difference between ConstantCallSite and unchanging MutableCallSite
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust API, small bug fixes
Stephen Bannasch
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: more tweaks
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust API, small bug fixes
John Rose
- invokeinterface handle-walking unimplemented?
Christian Thalinger
- Expected performance difference between ConstantCallSite and unchanging MutableCallSite
Rémi Forax
- Expected performance difference between ConstantCallSite and unchanging MutableCallSite
John Rose
- Expected performance difference between ConstantCallSite and unchanging MutableCallSite
Rémi Forax
- invokeinterface handle-walking unimplemented?
Rémi Forax
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust API, small bug fixes
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust API, small bug fixes
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust API, small bug fixes
Charles Oliver Nutter
- invokeinterface handle-walking unimplemented?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Expected performance difference between ConstantCallSite and unchanging MutableCallSite
Charles Oliver Nutter
- CRASH! Internal Error in methodHandleWalk.cpp
Charles Oliver Nutter
- CRASH! Internal Error in methodHandleWalk.cpp
Charles Oliver Nutter
- updates to build scripts
Charles Oliver Nutter
- CRASH! Internal Error in methodHandleWalk.cpp
Charles Oliver Nutter
- updates to build scripts
Stephen Bannasch
- updates to build scripts
Charles Oliver Nutter
- updates to build scripts
Stephen Bannasch
- updates to build scripts
Charles Oliver Nutter
- updates to build scripts
John Rose
- Expected performance difference between ConstantCallSite and unchanging MutableCallSite
Rémi Forax
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: miscellaneous fixes
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: miscellaneous fixes
john.r.rose at
- review request (M): 7044892: JSR 292: API entry points sometimes throw the wrong exceptions or doesn't throw the expected one
John Rose
- review request (M): 7032850: MethodHandle.invokeGeneric throws unspecified RuntimeException if parameterized method is called
John Rose
- preliminary review request (M): 6983728: JSR 292 remove argument count limitations
John Rose
- Building currently fails
Ola Bini
- In process debugger for Smalltak, JVMTI?
Mark Roos
- Building currently fails
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-argcount: mark non-buildable
john.r.rose at
- Building currently fails
John Rose
- Building currently fails
Charles Oliver Nutter
- In process debugger for Smalltak, JVMTI?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Building currently fails
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Protip: -Xint
Charles Oliver Nutter
- review request (M): 7032850: MethodHandle.invokeGeneric throws unspecified RuntimeException if parameterized method is called
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (M): 7044892: JSR 292: API entry points sometimes throw the wrong exceptions or doesn't throw the expected one
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (M): 7044892: JSR 292: API entry points sometimes throw the wrong exceptions or doesn't throw the expected one
Vladimir Kozlov
- preliminary review request (M): 6983728: JSR 292 remove argument count limitations
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (M): 7044892: JSR 292: API entry points sometimes throw the wrong exceptions or doesn't throw the expected one
John Rose
- review request (M): 7044892: JSR 292: API entry points sometimes throw the wrong exceptions or doesn't throw the expected one
John Rose
- review request (M): 7032850: MethodHandle.invokeGeneric throws unspecified RuntimeException if parameterized method is called
John Rose
- Building currently fails
Ola Bini
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: reflect pushes to hotspot-comp
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: reflect pushes to hotspot-comp
john.r.rose at
- Problem building on Linux
Ola Bini
- Problem building on Linux
Ola Bini
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: reflect pushes to hotspot-comp
Ola Bini
- Inlining of MethodHandles chain possible/planned?
Szymon Jachim
- Another possible failure
Ola Bini
- Inlining of MethodHandles chain possible/planned?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: reflect pushes to hotspot-comp
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Inlining of MethodHandles chain possible/planned?
Rémi Forax
- Inlining of MethodHandles chain possible/planned?
John Rose
- Inlining of MethodHandles chain possible/planned?
Rémi Forax
- Limit on number of inserted values in MHs?
Ola Bini
- Limit on number of inserted values in MHs?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Limit on number of inserted values in MHs?
Ola Bini
- SwitchPoint-based constant lookup in JRuby
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Inserting pre and post-call logic around a handle?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Inserting pre and post-call logic around a handle?
John Rose
- SwitchPoint-based constant lookup in JRuby
John Rose
- Inserting pre and post-call logic around a handle?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- SwitchPoint-based constant lookup in JRuby
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Inserting pre and post-call logic around a handle?
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: reflect pushes to hotspot-comp (fix MHW)
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Ola Bini
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Ola Bini
- SwitchPoint-based constant lookup in JRuby
Rémi Forax
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Inserting pre and post-call logic around a handle?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Inserting pre and post-call logic around a handle?
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
Rémi Forax
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Behavior of MethodHandles.convertArguments
John Rose
- 6804523: Tuple Signatures
Michael Barker
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: pre-PFD roundup WIP
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: adjust arg permutation
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
Christian Thalinger
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Christian Thalinger
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
Rémi Forax
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Ola Bini
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: more pre-PFD changes
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: more pre-PFD changes
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: minor doc edits
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: coro: small fix to make coro-standalone.patch apply cleanly
lukas.stadler at
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: put compatibility methods into meth.patch
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: more compatibility methods in meth.patch
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
Ola Bini
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: update spec; factor out deprecated methods; fix guardWithTest
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Ola Bini
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm: netbeans/meth project
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: incorporate more review comments; add security manager logic
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
Christian Thalinger
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: add explanatory text
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
Ola Bini
- Good news, bad news
Christian Thalinger
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Ola Bini
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Ola Bini
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Attila Szegedi
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Ola Bini
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm: netbeans/meth project
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: roll up separate patch sets into 7032323
john.r.rose at
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: add upcoming fixes; add experimental bimorphic MH inlining; cherry pick more hotspot-comp changes
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: respond to review comments; add experimental SwitchPoint.isValid
john.r.rose at
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Christian Thalinger
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: clarify security manager check #3
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: add experimental GWT knob
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
Christian Thalinger
- Good news, bad news
Ola Bini
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: fix patch skew
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Jochen Theodorou
- Good news, bad news
Christian Thalinger
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Rémi Forax
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
Rémi Forax
- More performance explorations
Rémi Forax
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Rémi Forax
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: respond to review comments
john.r.rose at
- Danger Will Robinson! Missing API!
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: fix unit test, tweak doc
john.r.rose at
- Good news, bad news
Rémi Forax
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
Y. S. Ramakrishna
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
Rémi Forax
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
Y. S. Ramakrishna
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
John Rose
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
Charles Oliver Nutter
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-deprecate: adjust doc, remove strawmen
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth-deprecate: move experimenta GWT hook into its own patch; tweak doc
john.r.rose at
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
Y. S. Ramakrishna
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Good news, bad news
Tom Rodriguez
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- review request (L): 7032323: code changes for JSR 292 EG adjustments to API, through Public Review
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: meth: fix javadoc example for SwitchPoint; make jcheck happy
john.r.rose at
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Rémi Forax
- More performance explorations
John Rose
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
John Rose
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
John Rose
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- SwitchPoint strategy for JRuby class modification invalidation
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- SwitchPoint strategy for JRuby class modification invalidation
John Rose
- SwitchPoint strategy for JRuby class modification invalidation
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Current Crash status
Ola Bini
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
Ola Bini
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
John Rose
- Current Crash status
Rémi Forax
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
Ola Bini
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
John Rose
- Current Crash status
Ola Bini
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
Ola Bini
- Current Crash status
John Rose
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
John Rose
- Current Crash status
Ola Bini
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
Ola Bini
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
John Rose
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
John Rose
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
Ola Bini
- Differences in asType between MLVM/bsdport and JDK7
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: coro: automatically initialize coroutine classes, small fix to serialization
lukas.stadler at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: coro: automatically initialize coroutine classes
lukas.stadler at
- coroutine tests pass, 4 failures, 1 error in jdk/test/java/lang/invoke
Stephen Bannasch
- Good news, bad news
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Obligatory thank you's
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Obligatory thank you's
David Pollak
- More performance explorations
John Rose
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: rebase to jdk7-b144 in bsd-port
john.r.rose at
- hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: rebase to jdk7-b144 in bsd-port
john.r.rose at
- Current bsdport+mlvm is broken
Ola Bini
- Current bsdport+mlvm is broken
Stephen Bannasch
- Current bsdport+mlvm is broken
Ola Bini
- Breakages gone?
Ola Bini
- Breakages gone?
Ola Bini
- Breakages gone?
John Rose
- Breakages gone?
John Rose
- Breakages gone?
Ola Bini
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
John Rose
- Obligatory thank you's
Raffaello Giulietti
- More performance explorations
Charles Oliver Nutter
- More performance explorations
John Rose
Last message date:
Tue May 31 12:03:47 PDT 2011
Archived on: Tue May 31 12:05:10 PDT 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).